Plan of Organization

Adopted: March 2, 2024

1. Membership 3
2.1. Officers 3
2.2. Duties of Committee 3
2.3. Duties of Officers 3
2.4. Precinct Meetings 4
2.5. Annual Precinct Meetings 4
2.6. Vacancies and Removals in Precinct Committee 5
3.1. County Executive Committee 6
3.1.1. Membership 6
3.1.2. Powers and Duties 6
3.1.3. Meetings 6
3.1.4. Duties of Officers 7
3.1.5. Vacancies and Removals 9
3.2. County Finance And Auditing Committees 10
3.2.1. Finance Committee 10
3.2.2. Auditing Committee 10
3.3. County Conventions 10
3.3.1. Call of Conventions 10
3.3.2. Convention Action 11
3.4. Rutherford County Executive Committee 12
3.4.1. Membership 12
3.4.2. At-Large Membership 13
3.4.3. Credentials 13
3.4.4. Convention Fee 13
3.5. Meeting Cancellation Due To Circumstances Out Of Party’s Control 13
4.1. Meeting Procedures 14
4.1.1. Annual Conventions and Presidential Election Year Conventions 14
4.1.2. Voting Procedure 14
4.1.3. Challenges 15
4.1.4. General Election Procedure 15
4.1.5. Vacancies and Removals 15
4.1.6. Non-Partisan Candidates and Officeholders 16
4.2. Official Records 16
4.3. Financial Accounts 16
4.3.1. Records 16
4.3.2. Loans 16
4.3.3. Budgeted Expenses 16
4.3.4. Leases 16
4.4. Appointments And Nominations 16
4.4.1. Notification 16
4.4.2. Filling Vacancies 16
4.5. Forfeiture Of Official Privileges 17
4.5.1. Removal or Resignation from Committees 17
4.5.2. Party Disloyalty 17
4.6. Refrain From Utilizing Powers Of Office In Republican Primary 18
4.7. Party Officers As Candidates 18
4.8. Endorsements In Elections 18
4.8.1. County Elections 18
4.9. Notice 18
4.9.1. Notice defined 18
4.9.2. Written Notice 18
4.9.3. Public Notice 19
4.10. Participation By Telephone Or Other Electronic Conference Call 19
4.11. Action Without Meeting 19
5.1. Amendments To Plan Of Organization 20
5.1.1. Timing of Amendments 20
5.1.2. Proposed Amendments from Floor of State Convention 20
5.1.3. Untimely Proposed Amendments 20
5.1.4. Administrative Amendments 20
5.2. Applicability 20
5.2.1. Rules as to Towns and Cities 20
5.2.2. Rules as to Counties and District 20
5.3. Authority 21
5.3.1. Parliamentary Authority 21
5.3.2. Gender And Number 21
5.3.3. Proxy Voting 21
5.3.4. Days 21
5.4. Effective Date Of This Plan 21
We, the members of the Rutherford County North Carolina Republican Party, hereinafter known
as the Rutherford County GOP (RCGOP), are dedicated to the sound principles fostered by our
Party, are conscious of our civic responsibilities and rights; we are firm in our determination to
give our strength to preserving the American principle that government ought and must be of all
the people, by all of the people and for all of the people. Therefore, for the purpose of uniting
and coordinating our efforts for maximum power and efficiency, and providing focus to win
elections, we hereby establish this instrument, the Plan of Organization of the Rutherford
County North Carolina Republican Party.
1. All citizens of Rutherford County, North Carolina, who are registered Republicans, are
Members of the Rutherford County North Carolina Republican Party and shall have the right to
participate in the official affairs of the RCGOP in accordance with this Plan. All reference herein
to Delegates, Alternates, Officers and Members shall, in all cases, mean persons identified and
registered with the Rutherford County North Carolina Republican Party. Any person running for
Republican Party Office within the Rutherford County Republican Party, shall be a registered
Republican and a resident of the district, county, or precinct (jurisdiction) in which he seeks
2.1. OFFICERS. The Precinct Committee shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman,
Secretary and as many Members-at Large as deemed necessary to conduct the business of the
2.2. DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE. The Precinct Committee shall cooperate with the County
Executive Committee in all elections and Party activities, provide the County Chairman with a
list of Party Members within the Precinct suitable for appointment as Election Officials, and
promote the objectives of the Party within the Precinct.
2.3.1. The Chairman of the Precinct Committee, shall have general supervision of the affairs of
the Party within the Precinct, shall reside at all meetings of the Precinct, and shall perform such
other duties as may be prescribed by the Precinct Committee or the County Executive
2.3.2. The Vice-Chairman shall function as chairman in the absence of the Precinct Chairman.
2.3.3. The Secretary shall keep all minutes and records and shall maintain a list of workers
within the Precinct, unless otherwise provided by the Precinct Committee or the County
Executive Committee.
2.3.4. The Chairman and Secretary of each Precinct shall certify the election of officers,
committee members, delegates and alternates to the county convention to the County
Chairman. Complete credentials shall be in the hands of the County Secretary by the deadline
set by the County Chairman, which shall be at least two (2) days prior to the Credentials
Committee meeting; provided, however that when the Precinct meetings and the County
Convention are held on the same date, the complete credentials shall be in the hands of the
County Secretary at the time set by the County Chairman on that day. No delegate or alternate
shall be added to the Credentials List following the adjournment of the Precinct meeting. This
delegate list shall be made immediately available to any Republican candidate, at that
candidate’s reasonable expense, after the County Chairman receives a confidentiality and use
agreement signed by the candidate stating the list will be used only for Republican activates
related to the candidate’s run for office.
2.4.1. Regular Precinct Meetings. Other meetings of the Precinct general membership may be
held at such time as shall be designated by the Chairman of the Precinct Committee after giving
five (5) days’ public notice of such a meeting, or by such other method of notification as may be
specified in the County Plan of Organization; or upon similar call of one-third (1/3) of the
members of the Precinct Committee; or ten (10) members of the general precinct membership.
2.4.2. Unorganized Precinct(s). In the event a Precinct fails to properly organize or the Precinct
Chairman fails to act, the County Chairman shall appoint a temporary Precinct Chairman who
shall serve for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, during which time a County Executive
Committee meeting shall be called and a new Precinct Chairman shall be elected by the County
Executive Committee. All County Executive Committee members present at a County Executive
Committee meeting called for the purpose of electing a new Precinct Chairman may vote in the
election provided that other requirements are met. There is no requirement for a voting County
Executive Committee member to be registered in the precinct for which a new Precinct
Chairman is being elected.
2.5.1. Call for Meeting. Annually the County Chairman shall call Precinct meetings during the
months of February or March, if held concurrently with the County Convention, after giving no
less than ten (10) days’ written notice to each Precinct Chairman and by public notice as
provided for in Article 4.9.3. Precinct Chairs shall be informed as to the number of registered
Republicans entitled to cast votes at the County Convention, and in accordance
with Article 2.5.3. Failure of the County Chairman to act in compliance with the provision above
shall be cause for any member of the County Executive Committee to call said Precinct
meetings by public notice as provided for in Article 4.9.3. Every Republican registered as of
January 31 preceding the Meetings shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote, except that the
January 31 requirement shall not apply to residents who have moved into the Precinct, or turned
eighteen (18) years of age within thirty (30) days of the Precinct meeting.
2.5.2. Election of Precinct Officers. At odd-year Precinct meetings, at which a quorum is one
person, unless the County Plan of Organization requires a larger number, attendees shall elect
a Precinct Committee consisting of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and as many
Members- at-Large as deemed necessary to conduct the business of the Precinct. Members of
the Precinct Committee shall hold their offices for two (2) years or until their successors are
2.5.3. Election of Delegate and Alternate Delegates. The annual Precinct meetings shall elect
one (1) Delegate and one (1) Alternate to the County Convention. They shall also elect one
(1) additional Delegate and Alternate for each one-hundred (100) registered Republican voters,
or major fraction thereof, in the precinct as of January 31 of that year. In determining the
number of registered Republicans to be used as the basis for the number of additional
Delegates and Alternates to be elected in the precinct under this calculation, a County may
adopt in its Plan of Organization, a basis number of registered Republican voters less than one hundred (100), but in so doing, must assure proportional representation of all registered
Republican voters in the county. Precinct members do not need to be in attendance in order to
be elected as Delegates or Alternates.
2.5.4. Meeting Cancellation Due to Circumstances out of Party’s Control. When circumstances
beyond the control of the County Party prevent access to or use of the annual precinct
facility(ies) (including but not limited to inclement weather conditions), it shall be the
responsibility of the County Chairman to consult with the County Vice-Chairman, County
Secretary and County Treasurer and decide on the cancellation and rescheduling of said
Annual Precinct Meetings in the timeliest manner possible. All efforts should be made by the
County Chairman to notify local news outlets of said cancellation and rescheduling information.
Notice of cancellation and rescheduling shall be given to Republican State Headquarters within
twenty- four (24) hours or on the next business day.
2.6.1. Vacancy due to death, resignation, discontinuance of residency within the Precinct,
removal of any officer or member of the Precinct Committee, or for any other reason, shall be
filled by the remaining Members of the Precinct Committee, or as provided in the County Plan of
Organization. The procedure for removal of any Member or Officer is defined in Article 4.1.6.
Such removal may be appealed to the County Executive Committee within twenty (20) days and
their decision shall be final.
3.1.1. Membership. The County Executive Committee shall consist of the County Officers, and
other persons elected by the County Convention in accordance with Article, and the
County Finance Chairman.
3.1.2. Powers and Duties. The County Executive Committee shall cooperate with the District and State
Committees in all elections and Party activities; Shall encourage qualified candidates for office within the County; Shall adopt a budget; Shall recommend nominees to the State Chairman for appointments for County Board
of Election in accordance with Article; Shall have active management of Party affairs within the County; Shall approve a Finance Committee and an Auditing Committee of not less than three
(3) members each and may approve such other Committees as may be deemed necessary; and In the event that it is determined that the County Plan of Organization is not consistent
with the State Party Plan of Organization, the County Executive Committee must, at the next
called meeting, bring the County Plan of Organization into compliance with the State Party Plan
of Organization. Under any circumstances, the County Plan of Organization must be brought
into compliance within ninety-days (90) days. If permitted by the County Plan of Organization,
the County Executive Committee may amend the County Plan of Organization upon a two-thirds
(2/3) vote after providing written notice of the meeting advising members regarding the
substance of the proposed amendment and provided a quorum is present. A quorum is defined
as twenty-five (25) percent of the County Executive Committee authorized to vote at the time
the meeting is called to order. County Republican Parties shall submit, by certified United States
mail, return receipt requested, their county plans of organizations, and amendments thereto, to
the NCGOP State Headquarters Executive Director, Political Director, and District Chairman
within thirty (30) days after their adoption, in order for the Plan and/or amendment to be
considered valid.
3.1.3. Meetings. The County Executive Committee shall meet at least twice a year upon the call of the
County Chairman, or the call of one-third (1/3) of the Members of the County Executive
Committee, after giving ten (10) days’ notice, as that term is defined in Article 4.9.1. herein, to
all Members. The County Plan of Organization shall specify a quorum for the transaction of
business, but in no event shall it be less than twenty-five (25) percent of the County Executive
Committee. Any Committee member who misses three (3) consecutive Executive Committee
meetings will lose voting rights, which will be restored at the beginning of the second
consecutive regularly scheduled meeting that the member attends. Any member without voting
rights will not be counted in quorum tabulations, either as present or in the membership total.
This attendance requirement also applies to ex officio members. Meetings will be open to all registered Republicans. At the discretion of the Committee,
members of the media may be permitted to attend. The Committee may, by majority vote of
those attending, elect to declare a meeting “off the record”. In this case, members of the media
who are attending as registered Republicans may remain. However, such members shall not be
permitted to report on any actions or events of such meeting. Failure to abide by this rule will
result in that particular member of the media being banned from attending future meetings.
3.1.4. Duties of Officers. The Chairman of the County Executive Committee: The Chairman shall have general supervision of the
affairs of the RCGOP; The Chairman shall issue the call for the Annual Precinct Meeting, the County
Convention and Executive Committee meetings; The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the County Executive Committee; As necessary, the Chairman shall appoint or nominate, with the advice and consent of
the RCGOP Executive Committee (as outlined below), various chairman and committees he
deems necessary to conduct the business of the County Executive Committee; The Chairman shall further appoint a temporary Chairman of the County Convention,
who may be himself; The Chairman shall make periodic reports on the status of the Party within his County
to the District Chairman; The Chairman shall be responsible for the creation and maintenance of a Republican
organization in every Precinct within his County;
8 The Chairman shall obtain and preserve a list of all registered Republicans within the
County and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the County, District, or
State Committees; The County Chairman shall be an "ex-officio" Member of all County Committees
unless otherwise designated in the County Plan of Organization. The Chairman shall also be a
member of the District and State Executive Committees, and the Judicial, Senatorial, and
Legislative District Executive Committees; The Chairman is authorized to expend up to $500 per quarter, renewed every
quarter without carry-over to the new quarter, on non-budgeted items without the consent and
approval of the Executive Committee. Additionally, the Chairman is authorized to expend up to
$1,000, without approval of the Executive Committee, on emergency matters and must bring the
matter to the attention of the Executive Committee within ten (10) days of the emergency
expenditure. The Vice-Chairman shall function as Chairman in the absence of the Chairman and
shall have such other duties as may be prescribed by the County Executive Committee. The
Vice-Chairman shall be an “ex-officio” member of all County Committees unless otherwise
designated in the County Plan of Organization. The Secretary shall keep all minutes and records and shall maintain a roster of all
Precinct Officers and Executive Committee Members. At a minimum, these records shall
contain the name and address for each Precinct Officer and Executive Committee Member.
Such records shall be available, including all Credentials Lists upon request, to any registered
Republican within the County. The Secretary shall furnish to the Congressional District
Chairman and to State Headquarters up-to-date lists of all Precinct Chairmen. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds for Party expenditures pursuant to
authority duly given by the County Executive Committee, shall make a financial report at all
County Executive Committee Meetings and shall fulfill all financial reports and obligations
required under State and Federal election laws. The elected Treasurer must successfully enroll
in and complete the Mandatory Compliance Training provided by the North Carolina Board of
Elections as soon as possible, but not later than sixty (60) days after election. The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer performing the Treasurer’s duties,
and shall be subject to the same requirement per State and Federal Election law. The Finance Chairman shall serve as the primary liaison between the Finance
Committee and the County Executive Committee and shall manage and direct all business of
the Finance Committee, as defined in Article 3.2.1. The Public Relations Chairman shall prepare and distribute all general news releases
and publications for the Party in Rutherford County, shall arrange and generally prepare for all
news conferences for the Party in Rutherford County, and shall perform other public relations
functions, as required. The Precinct Organization Chairman shall preside over a committee whose
responsibility it shall be to create, train, and help maintain an aggressive, faithful, and well-organized precinct organization in each precinct in the County. The Chairman of Minority Affairs shall be responsible for encouraging the registration
and active participation of minorities in the affairs of the Party in Rutherford County. The Campaign Chairman shall head a Committee of no less than five
(5) nor more than eight (8) members (each County Commissioner’s District to be represented by
at least one member) whose responsibility it shall be to recruit able and qualified candidates for
public office for the Republican Party and shall generally assist and advise the local nominees
with their general election campaigns. The Campaign Chairman shall also be responsible for all
campaign activities, including, but not limited to, obtaining poll workers, scheduling volunteers,
and distributing and placing signs. The Auditing Chairman shall serve as the primary liaison between the Auditing
Committee and the County Executive Committee and shall manage and direct all business of
the Auditing Committee, as defined in Article 3.2.2. A Teenage Republicans’ Advisor (TAR) shall be responsible for encouraging young
people to register and get involved with the Republican Party of Rutherford County. Special Events Chairman shall be responsible for soliciting volunteers for RCGOP
events. The General Counsel shall provide general legal and parliamentary advice to the
County Party and be the Chief Election Integrity Officer of the County Party working to identify
and eliminate election fraud and to maintain trained and qualified election observers in every
3.1.5. Vacancies and Removals. Vacancy due to death, resignation, discontinuance of residency within the County,
removal of any Officer or Member of the County Executive Committee, or for any other reason,
may be filled by the remaining members of the County Executive Committee by election, or as
provided in the County Plan of Organization. The procedure for removal of any Member or Officer is defined in Article 4.1.5. Such
removal may be appealed to the State Central Committee within 20 days and their decision
shall be final.
3.2.1. Finance Committee. The County Finance Committee shall be composed of the County
Finance Chairman, the County Chairman, County Vice-Chairman, the County Treasurer, and
not less than three (3) persons approved by the County Executive Committee. They shall
cooperate with the Congressional District and State Finance Committee and shall have active
management of fund-raising efforts within the County.
3.2.2. Auditing Committee. The members of the Auditing Committee shall be nominated by the
County Chairman and the names shall be presented for the advice and consent of the County
Executive Committee. The Auditing Committee, once approved, shall conduct at minimum a
biannual yearly review of the financial records of the RCGOP and report such review to the
County Executive Committee for approval. The review to be conducted shall be of the type and
nature which the Auditing Committee, in its discretion, deems appropriate. The fiscal year for
the RCGOP shall be from March 1 through February 28, or February 29th in leap years.
3.3.1. Call of Convention. A County Convention shall be called every year by the Chairman of the County
Executive Committee, at a suitable location within the county, within the month of March, at
least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled District Convention, and following procedures given in
Article 4.1 and its subparts. At or about the time of the Call of the Convention, the County
Chairman, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, shall appoint a Credentials
Committee consisting of no less than three people, which will meet and issue its report on
Delegates and Alternate Delegates certified to that Convention. If Precinct Meetings are held prior to the County Convention, the Credentials
Committee shall issue its report on Delegates and Alternates certified to the County Convention
at least three (3) days in advance of the convening of the County Convention. When Precinct
Meetings are held prior to the date of the County Convention, all Delegates and Alternates
challenged in the report of the Credentials Committee shall be notified prior to the day of the
Convention and allowed to present their case to the Credentials Committee prior to the
convening of the Convention. If Precinct Meetings and the County Convention are held concurrently on the same
day, the Credentials Committee shall issue its report on Delegates and Alternates certified to
the County Convention prior to the transaction of any business at the County Convention. When
Precinct Meetings are held concurrently on the same day with the
County Convention, all Delegates and Alternates challenged in the report of the Credentials
Committee shall be notified on that day and allowed to present their case to the Credentials
Committee. The Delegates and Alternates elected at the Precinct Meetings, unless successfully
challenged, shall sit as Delegates and Alternates to the County Convention.
11 If the County Chairman fails, refuses or neglects to call a County Convention as
required by this Article, it shall become the duty of the Vice-Chairman to act in this capacity. The
Vice-Chairman shall follow procedures given in Article 4.1 and its subparts. If the County
Chairman or Vice-Chairman does not call such a meeting, it shall be cause for any Member of
the County Executive Committee, with the approval of the Congressional District Chairmen, to
call such County Convention.
3.3.2. Convention Action. Each year, the County Convention shall adopt or amend a written County Plan of
Organization not inconsistent with the State Plan of Organization, a current copy of which shall
be on file at County Headquarters and at State Headquarters. If the County Convention fails to
adopt a written County Plan of Organization, the previously adopted County Plan of
Organization shall remain in effect, to the extent not inconsistent with the State Plan of
Organization. Failure of the RCGOP to submit a County Plan to the NCGOP State
Headquarters, within thirty (30) days of its adoption, shall constitute agreement by the County
Party to adopt the State Plan of Organization for this county. Elections. In odd numbered years, the Chairman shall appoint a Nominating Committee. The
Chairman and Vice chairman shall not be members of the nominating committee. The
Nominating Committee will be made up of three (3) volunteers that are elected members-at large and four volunteers who are not members of the Executive Committee or elected officials;
the total number of people to be appointed to the Nominating Committee shall be a total of
seven (7) people. The duty of the Nominating Committee shall be to take such actions as they deem
necessary to present to the Convention a recommended slate of qualified candidates for the
Executive Committee offices of Chairman, Vice- Chairman, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and
Secretary, and at least five (5) and up to twelve
(12) members-at-large, the number of which shall be determined by the Nominating Committee. There shall be term limits for the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer,
and Assistant Treasurer of two (2) consecutive two-year (2) terms (i.e. four (4) years total). The
Nominating Committee may override this provision if no qualified candidate can be found. In every odd-numbered year, the County Convention shall elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer and such other Officers as are otherwise provided for in the
State or County Plan of Organization, who are registered Republican as of January 31 of that
year and who shall serve for a term of two years or until their successors are elected. The RCGOP County Convention shall elect one Delegate and one Alternate to
Congressional District and State Conventions, plus one additional Delegate and Alternate for
every two hundred and fifty (250) Republicans registered in Rutherford County, North Carolina,
as of January 31, or major fraction thereof. For Counties located within more than one Congressional District, the County
Convention shall elect one Delegate and one Alternate Delegate for each Congressional District
located within said County. Each County shall further elect one Delegate and one Alternate for each Republican
elected to the state legislature and to public office on the state or national level from said County
in the last election held for that office. With respect to the District Convention, the additional one
delegate and one alternate shall only be elected to the District Convention being held in the
District in which said Republican elected to the state legislature and to public office on the state
or national level actually lives. If a County has been divided between two (2) or more Congressional Districts, it shall
prorate its Congressional District Delegate vote among these Congressional Districts in
accordance with the Republican registration as of January 31 of that year in the political
subdivisions within the County which have been divided among the different Congressional
Districts. Congressional District Delegates elected to a Congressional District Convention, in
addition to the other qualifications which they must meet, must reside in the Congressional
District to whose Convention they are elected. The Delegates to the County Convention from
the political subdivisions in different Congressional Districts shall elect the Delegates to their
own Congressional District Convention. The residency requirements stated in the previous subsection ( only apply
to the selection of delegates to the Congressional District Convention and nothing in the
previous subsection ( shall be construed to create Congressional District residency
requirements for election as a delegate to the State convention. Members considered for election in the previous subsections ( and
( shall not be required to be in attendance at the County Convention in order to be
elected as Delegates or Alternates.

3.4.1. Membership. County Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and
General Counsel; A minimum of five (5) and up to twelve (12) At-Large members elected at the odd-year
County Convention, as defined in Article 3.4.2.; Standing Committee Chairs: Finance, Auditing, Public Relations, Minority Affairs,
Precinct Organization, Special Events, and Campaign Chairman;
13 Other Members: The immediate past County Chairman who is not the current
Chairman; All Republican Elected Officials elected to partisan seats representing Rutherford
County shall be ex officio members to the extent that they shall not affect the quorum; and The Teenage Republicans’ Advisor, who shall be appointed by the Chairman of the
Rutherford County Republican Party Executive Committee.
3.4.2. At-Large Membership. In every odd-numbered year the County Convention shall elect a
County Executive Committee of at least five (5) and up to twelve (12) voters, the total number of
which will be determined by the Nominating Committee, who are registered Republican as of
January 31 of that year, in addition to the County Officers, who shall hold their places for a term
of two years or until their successors are elected.
3.4.3. Credentials. The Chairman and Secretary of the County Executive Committee shall certify
the election of Officers, Committee Members, Delegates, Alternates, and Precinct Chairs to the
District and State Conventions, on forms created by the State Credentials Committee and
approved by the State Central Committee and in conformance with this Plan. Completed
Credentials shall be in the hands of or in the email box of the Congressional District Secretary
and the State Headquarter no later than ten (10) days following the date of the County
Convention. The postmark date will be used to determine compliance for mailed credentials. No
Delegates or Alternates shall be added to the Credentials list following the adjournment of the
County Convention. Copies of all Notices in addition to a list of county and precinct officers,
shall be submitted to the NC Republican Party and all applicable Congressional District
Committees along with County Credentials.
3.4.4. Convention Fee. For each person who is elected at a County Convention to be either a
Delegate or an Alternate to the State Convention, the County shall forward to the State Party a
fee set by the State Central Committee to defray the costs of mailing Convention materials to
such elected Delegates and Alternates. This County Plan of Organization permits the County
Party to recover this fee from the Delegates and Alternates following their election. For each
person who attends the County Convention, they shall pay a registration fee per person, as
designated by the County Chairman, to help defray the cost of mailing Convention materials to
each person elected as a Delegate and/or Alternate and to off-set the cost of conducting the
County Convention.
3.5.1. When circumstances beyond the control of the County Party prevent access to or use of
the County Convention facility (including but not limited to inclement weather conditions), it shall
be the responsibility of the County Chairman to consult with the County Vice- Chairman, County
Secretary, and County Treasurer and decide on the cancellation and rescheduling of said
County Convention in the timeliest manner possible. All efforts should be made by the County
Chairman to notify local news outlets of said cancellation and rescheduling information. Notice
of cancellation and rescheduling shall be given to Republican State Headquarters within twentyfour (24) hours or on the next business day.
4.1.1. Annual Conventions and Presidential Election Year Conventions. The RCGOP County Conventions shall be called to order by the RCGOP Chairman, or
in the absence of the Chairman, by the Vice-Chairman or Secretary (in the order stated) who
shall have the power to appoint the necessary Convention Committees and temporary officers
at or before the convening of the Convention. No member of a credentials committee created by this Plan shall be eligible to be
elected to an officer or executive committee position at the convention for which the credentials
committee serves, nor shall a committee member publicly support anyone for an office to be
elected by said convention. Except when voting in convention, members of credentials
committees shall strive to maintain the integrity of the convention and the committee by
conducting the business of the committee with impartiality and strict neutrality on the business
and elections of said convention.
4.1.2. Voting Procedure. No Precinct shall cast more votes than it has duly elected Delegates on the floor at the
County Convention. No person shall be seated as a Delegate at any County Convention unless such person
shall have personally attended the Annual Precinct Meeting, and shall have been duly elected a
Delegate or Alternate by the appropriate Precinct Meeting or County Convention; except, the
registered Republican(s) present at a County Convention from an unorganized Precinct, which
has not had its credentials accepted, shall have the right to vote one vote per Precinct, prorated
among those present from that Precinct. For those who were unable to attend the Annual
Precinct Meeting, due to circumstances outside of their control, the Precinct as a whole, shall
vote to approve or disapprove the validity of the circumstances which resulted in the absence. If
the circumstances were outside of the control of the absent member, the Precinct is authorized
to allow the member to be seated as a Delegate or Alternate in their absence. The Executive
Committee is hereby authorized to amend the County Plan of Organization prior to the Annual
Precinct Meetings and County Convention for the sole purpose of implementing a procedure to
permit the election of person(s) to be Delegates and Alternates to the County, District and/or
State Convention.
15 Ex-officio members of the committees have the same voting rights as the other
committee members, and are not counted in determining if a quorum is present. When an Exofficio member of a committee ceases to hold the office that entitles him/her to such
membership, his/her membership terminates automatically.
4.1.3. Challenges. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Plan of Organization, challenges
to Delegates and Alternates must be made in their capacity as individual Delegates and
Alternates. The successful challenges of individuals in their capacity as Delegates and
Alternates shall not affect the seating of other Delegates and Alternates in the same Precinct or
County Delegates unless it can be demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that the
previous election of such successfully challenged Delegates and Alternates resulted in the
election of other Delegates and Alternates within such Delegation who would not otherwise
have been elected, but for the votes of the unqualified Delegates or Alternates.
4.1.4. General Election Procedure. Notwithstanding any other Article in this Plan of
Organization, the allocated Delegate slots and then the allocated Alternate slots allotted under
this Plan of Organization to a Precinct or a County shall be filled first by the election of those
duly qualified registered Republicans, eligible to vote, present at such Meeting or Convention
and desiring to be elected to fill such slots. All duly qualified Republicans registered to vote may
be elected by qualified Republicans attending the meeting to fill slots that have not been filled by
Republicans attending the meeting or conventions.
4.1.5 Vacancies and Removals. Any Member of a Committee organized under this Plan may be
removed either: By a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the respective Committee after being furnished with notice
of the charges against him, signed by the lesser of (1.) fifty (50) Members or (2.) one-third (1/3)
of the Members of the respective Committee. Any Republican against whom charges are
brought shall be furnished with fifteen (15) days’ notice of said charges and be given an
opportunity to present a defense. Removal by a vote of the respective Committee shall be
confined to gross inefficiency, Party disloyalty (as defined herein) or failure to comply with the
County, District, or State Party Plans of Organization. For the purposes of this Plan of
Organization, "Party disloyalty" shall be defined as actively supporting a candidate of another
Party or independent candidate running in opposition to a candidate of the Republican Party or
a Republican endorsed by the appropriate Executive Committee in a non-partisan election;
and/or Automatically upon such Member’s conviction (as defined below) of a felony after
election to such Committee organized under this Plan without the need for any further action
immediately effective upon such conviction, and the seat declared vacant. Each Member shall
have the affirmative duty to inform the Chairman of such Committee in writing immediately upon
his conviction of a felony. However, the failure of a Member to so notify the Chairman in writing
shall not delay, prevent or restrict the expulsion of such Member from such Committee in
accordance with this Section. For the purposes hereof, a “conviction” shall be defined as the
conviction of or the entering of a guilty plea, an Alford plea, or a plea of no contest to a felony.
4.1.6. Non-Partisan Candidates and Office Holders. The Rutherford County Republican Party
shall not offer an opportunity for a candidate for, or current office holder of, a "non-partisan
office" who is not a registered Republican to address a Republican Convention.
4.2.1. Minutes shall be kept by all Committees and Conventions of official actions taken, and a
copy shall be filed with the Chairman of the appropriate Committee or Convention and with
Republican State Headquarters.
4.3.1. Records. The Chairman, Treasurer, and Finance Chairman shall keep faithful and
accurate records of any and all monies received by them for the use of the said Committees and
shall make faithful and accurate reports thereof when so requested.
4.3.2. Loans. No officer, staff or member of the RCGOP shall cause the RCGOP to undertake a
loan without the prior approval of the County Executive Committee.
4.3.3. Budgeted Expenses. No officer, staff or member of the RCGOP shall exceed approved
total budgeted expenditures without approval from the County Executive Committee.
4.3.4. Leases. No officer, staff or member of the RCGOP shall commit the RCGOP to a lease in
excess of $10,000.00 or ninety (90) days without the approval of the County Executive
4.4.1. Notification. It shall be the duty of the County Chairman to transmit notice of known
vacancies on a County level to those persons having jurisdiction over such appointments.
4.4.2. Filling Vacancies. When a vacancy occurs in a governmental office for which a Party recommendation is
called for, the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina
and the terms of this Plan. The above-mentioned recommendation shall be provided by the
RCGOP Executive Committee.
17 Unless otherwise provided by law, notice to executive committee members of the time,
date, location, and purpose of the meeting at which a recommendation for filling the vacancy will
be considered, must be made by written notice. Notice must be sent at least ten (10) days prior
to the date of the meeting, unless good cause exists for shortening the time period. In no case
may the meeting be scheduled for a date and time less than five (5) days after the sending of
the notice to committee members. The individual required by this Plan of Organization or
appointed by the Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party shall provide the Executive
Director an affidavit or other suitable verification that notice was properly mailed, via United
States Mail First Class postage prepaid to the last known address of the committee members
requiring notice of the meeting. Upon the convening of the meeting, the County Chair shall conduct a vote in a method
reasonably calculated to assure accuracy and fairness to all candidates for the position. Board of Elections Vacancies- Upon receipt of nomination request by the State
Chairman, the County Executive Committee, through the County Chairman, shall submit to the
State Chairman by electronic and/or written means the names and the order of the names for
the nominations approved by a majority of the County Executive Committee at least thirty (30)
days prior to the date the State Chairman must submit the nominees to the North Carolina
Board of Elections.
4.5.1. Removal or Resignation from Committees. Any current or former Officer or Member of a
Precinct Committee or County Executive Committee who, for any reason, is removed or
resigned from said position shall forfeit all rights and privileges in any way connected with that
4.5.2. Party Disloyalty. Any registered Republican attempting to influence or influencing the
outcome of any election against a Republican candidate or Republican endorsed by the
appropriate Republican Executive Committee or Legislative Caucus, other than by supporting
an opposing Republican Candidate in a Republican primary, may be declared ineligible to hold
office under the County Plan of Organization at the County, and Precinct level for Party
disloyalty by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the County Executive Committee. Charges of Party
disloyalty may be brought by petition of three (3) members of the County Executive Committee,
or by resolution of a County Republican Executive Committee. The County Executive
Committee may declare a Republican found to have engaged in Party disloyalty as ineligible to
serve in any office under County Plan of Organization for a period of time between six (6)
months and five (5) years.
4.6.1. Each Officer and each Member of any Committee created pursuant to this Plan of
Organization shall refrain from utilizing the powers and dignity of his office or position in any
Republican Primary for public office at any level.
4.6.2. No Committee created pursuant to this Plan of Organization shall make or issue, in any
way, manner, or form, any endorsement in any Republican Primary for public office.
4.6.3. No Committee created pursuant to this Plan of Organization shall make or issue any
contrary endorsement or withhold support from any non-partisan judicial candidates properly
endorsed pursuant to this Plan of Organization.
4.7.1. In the event that the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the RCGOP shall announce his
intentions to run for public office or shall file a notice of candidacy with the Board of Elections,
that person shall be deemed to have resigned his office within the Party, effective seven (7)
days after the close of filing, and the then-existing vacancy shall be filled as provided for herein.
The Party official may petition the County Executive Committee for exemption from this
provision and the County Executive Committee may, for good cause shown, grant such an
exemption with a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote. This exemption shall be deemed void if any
other Republican files with the Board of Elections for the same public office within that election
4.8.1. County Elections. In non-partisan elections or in elections where there is no primary
election, RCGOP executive committee shall have exclusive authority to endorse registered
Republicans running in that county.

4.9. NOTICE.
4.9.1. Notice defined. “Notice” as used in this plan shall be defined as the actual providing of
the required information to the intended recipient by direct means which are substantially likely
to inform the recipient. “Notice” can include, but is not limited to, U.S. Mail First Class postage
prepaid, telephonic communications, telefacsimile transmission, posting on the RCGOP public
social media webpages, and/or email. Any individual providing notice pursuant to the Plan shall
document the time and manner of providing notice in the event a challenge to providing proper
notice arises.
4.9.2. Written Notice. “Written Notice” as used in this plan shall mean notice sent through the
United States Postal Service (USPS) first-class mail or email. If a person does not have an
email address, they shall provide the Secretary with their address they wish to receive written
mail through the USPS. The date postmarked by the USPS shall be conclusive as to the date notice was given;
the date the email was sent shall be conclusive as to the date notice was given. Individuals entitled to receive written notice under this plan may elect to receive
notification by other means in lieu of written notice. This may be requested via written notice to
the secretary of the entity required to give written notice; however, this waiver is revocable at
any time by sending written notice of the revocation to the secretary.
4.9.3. Public Notice: “Public Notice” as used in this plan shall be defined as the procedure for
informing interested persons by means that ensure full and timely notice to the public of the
event requiring notice. The primary means for Public Notice shall be the County party’s website.
Other media such as radio, television, email, or US mail may be used with approval of the
County Executive Committee. All Public Notices must appear or be broadcast at least ten (10)
days prior to a Convention or Special Meeting.
4.10.1. The Chairman of any committee organized under this Plan may permit any one
(1) or more members of such committee to participate in a meeting of such committee by means
of a telephone or other electronic conference call that allows all persons participating in the
meeting to simultaneously hear each other during the meeting, and such participation in a
meeting shall be deemed present in person at such meeting.
4.11.1. Action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of any committee organized under
this Plan may be taken without a meeting by unanimous written consent of all members of such
committee. The action must be evidenced by one (1) or more written consents signed by each
member of such committee before or after such action, describing the action taken and included
in the minutes or filed with the committee’s records. Action so taken is effective when the last
member of such committee signs such consent, unless the consent specifies a different
effective date. Such consent has the effect of a meeting vote and may be described as such in
any document.
5.1.1. Timing of Amendment. The Plan of Organization may be amended, not inconsistent with
the Rules of the State Republican Committee, by majority vote of the members present and
voting at the County Convention provided, however, that written notice of the proposed
amendment was provided to the membership of the County Executive Committee, at least thirty
(30) days prior to the convening of the County Convention. This notice requirement shall not
apply to the Report of the duly appointed Plan of Organization Committee.
5.1.2. Proposed Amendments from Floor of County Convention. Amendments from the
Convention floor to the proposed Amendments to the Plan (an amendment to the Amendment)
which would materially alter the intent of the original proposed amendment shall not be
considered in order unless the propounder of the proposed amendment shall have first
furnished a minimum of fifty (50) copies of the proposed amendment, and must receive a twothirds (2/3) vote of the delegates present and voting at any County Convention to be approved.
This paragraph applies only to amendments to Amendments to the Plan that were mailed out to
the Executive Committee as above described.
5.1.3. Untimely Proposed Amendments. Proposed amendments to the Plan not mailed to the
County Executive Committee thirty days prior to the convening of the State Convention shall not
be considered in order unless the propounder of the proposed amendment shall have first
furnished a minimum of fifty (50) copies of the proposed amendment, and it must receive a twothirds (2/3) vote of the delegates present and voting at any County Convention.
5.1.4. Administrative Amendments. Plan of Organization Committees shall have authority to
correct any spelling or typographical errors in the Plan of Organization, as a housekeeping
matter, that do not change the substance of the Plan. Notwithstanding any other provision of
this Plan of Organization, in the event that there is a change in state or federal election law that
renders a portion of this Plan ineffective, obsolete or inoperative, the Executive Committee may,
upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, temporarily amend this Plan to the extent necessary to
alter procedures or schedules affected by such change in state or federal election law. Any
change made pursuant to this paragraph shall be effective only until the date of adjournment of
the next annual County Convention called pursuant to the GOP Plan of Organization, Article

5.2.2. Rules as to Counties. The Precinct and County Committees and County Conventions are
authorized to promulgate such additional rules and establish such additional Party Officers or
Committees for their respective organizations, not inconsistent with these rules, as shall be
deemed necessary.
5.3.1. Parliamentary Authority. The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised
shall govern all proceedings, except when inconsistent with this RCGOP Plan of Organization or
Convention Rules properly adopted.
5.3.2. Gender and Number. The masculine pronoun or title herein includes the feminine, and the
singular herein includes the plural, wherever appropriate.
5.3.3. Proxy Voting. No proxy voting shall be allowed at any meeting or convention held
pursuant to this Plan.
5.3.4. Days. All reference to “days” shall mean calendar days unless otherwise stated.
5.4.1. This Plan of Organization shall become effective and repeal and supersede all other
rules, except as specifically noted, immediately following adjournment of the Rutherford County
Convention in Forest City, North Carolina, on March 2nd, 2024. This, however, shall not
invalidate any action taken under the previous rules prior to the date above. The adoption of this
Plan shall not affect the term of those office holders at the time of the adoption of this Plan.


updated 3/11/2024

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